Rosemary, a perennial herb and member of the mint family, is an evergreen native to the Mediterranean region, often growing on the edges of coastal cliffs. Now found all over the world, rosemary is resilient, adaptable, and drought-resistant, thriving best in well-drained soil.
Perhaps most revered throughout history for its ability to preserve memory, rosemary has been used symbolically in bridal wreaths, and for burial rites in cultures throughout the world. Students in ancient Greece often wore wreaths of rosemary while taking exams to improve mental performance and recall.
As a medicinal herb, rosemary has anti-microbial properties that aid in promoting healthy hair growth, especially for balding men, as it fights against dandruff and skin irritation that causes dryness. It has also been known to elevate mood, help with digestion, lessen symptoms of arthritis-related joint-pain, and promote healthy skin. Even dogs may benefit from having small amounts of the fresh herb crumbled into their food on occasion (but not the oil, as it is too potent). Caution: Avoid giving rosemary to pregnant dogs, dogs who suffer from seizures, and puppies under 12 weeks old.
Best known as a culinary herb, rosemary adds an “earthy” flavor to dishes and contains several essential nutrients including iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and B6. Tasty preparations might include herbal teas for relaxation or season for meats, soups, salads, pastas, breads, grains, mushrooms, onions, peas, and potatoes.