what to expect

Take a peak through the windows or get on the list for a special Tour of the only operational industrial-age watermill in Arizona and learn how pecans are cracked and shelled and how grain was milled back in the late 1800’s, the age of water power!

Demonstration Gardens
In the demonstration gardens you will be able to speak with horticulturists and learn about different garden techniques, plants, soil and watering.

Fruit Orchard
The year-round fruit orchard is artfully weaved into the landscape throughout the garden. Ask Garden Staff where you can see what varieties of fruits are available for harvest today and during any given month of the year in the Valley of the Sun.

Child-friendly Activities & Scavenger Hunts!
In addition to permanent exhibits, rotating exhibits will change frequently throughout the year. Children will also have plenty to do with hands-on exhibits, animals, and other activities.

Yep, that’s not just a lake… it’s got FISH in it and when fish do what they do in the water… it’s pumped through filters and then through the pipes to water all the plants in the Gardens and throughout the whole Pecan Lake Entertainment Center, as well as Fat Cats, The Pecan Lake HOA, and more! It’s a truly regenerative system. Find out more from one of our Garden Guides.

We Appreciate Your Support
As you support the gardens by coming and purchasing from our shops, you will be helping to a heathier, more sustainable future for generations to come.